quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

FACTO Framework de Governança Tecnológica Corporativa

Resumo. Uma Arquitetura Corporativa pode ser um meio para realizar a governança de TI e assim, garantir uma vantagem competitiva a empresa. Após décadas de estudos, pesquisadores concluíram que a abordagem ainda é imatura, existe uma dispersão sobre os assuntos pesquisados e pouca participação da indústria. Há ainda diversos problemas a resolver durante a sua implantação (e.g. metodologias, padrões, modelos para avaliação e gestão) o que dificulta o alinhamento correto desse arcabouço frente às perspectivas das empresas. Este trabalho contribui com uma abordagem híbrida que insere um modelo de processo de software em um ciclo de vida da arquitetura com base em modelos de gestão. Neste âmbito, o trabalho apresenta o FACTO, um roteiro para institucionalizar, avaliar e implantar uma Arquitetura Corporativa em um ambiente de desenvolvimento de software.

domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2012

Abstract - Enterprise Architecture can be a means to achieve IT governance, what ensures a competitive advantage to organization. However, after dozens years of studies, researchers have inferred about the approaching be immature. There also a big dispersion about its subjects and a bit participation of the industry, while there are several troubles to solve during their applying, which hinders the right alignment to enterprise perspectives. This work, contributes to a hybrid approach, which inserts into the architecture life cycle, a software process model based on management models. In this context, this paper presents the FACTO, a roadmap for institutionalizing, evaluating and implementing an Enterprise Architecture within a software development environment.

FACTO Framework Process Areas.

sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2012

FACTO Enterprise Architecture Framework

Is or is not the IT Governance ensured by the COBIT 5?

Among goals and objectives for supporting and using the COBIT as 4 as 5 within the IT Governance project, I will show a little vision that I have about it.

The Implementation of good practices usually is seen and drawn in a top-down approach, in which the vision of IT governance suggests their origin from executive board of firm, and does not to improve their business unit processes. In order to align the contained practices conjointly with Sarbanes Oxley law, therefore, the projects, which involves IT governance ever won’t run over communication, collaboration and commitment visions within the other company’s business units.

IT governance projects are driven to legal requirements, which are mandatory and don't particularly follows in a cooperative form. Normally it starts from the business process management, where there are three kinds of process: management, operational and support. The entire value chain of the firm needs to cross all these processes, whereas their collaboration is very important, in addition, the proper communication and commitment of people to achievement goals and objectives of these processes.

The COBIT or anywhere process model, depends on business process management, mainly to figure out the people that perform the key processes in the entire value chain, where the principles and standards will be defined in according to expected type of this practice in the business unit processes. Without collaboration, communication and commitment of the people, you cannot govern the whole firm.

Figure 1 – COBIT 5 draft (ISACA).

The Figure 1 shows how the COBIT 5 processes are in a high level of abstraction, i.e. define, align, and suggest, however, don't effectively carries on the activities. As matter as fact, all these activities, that only are suggest, will be performed automatically by the software systems or manually, based on knowledge of the people. Thus, the correct implementation of the software systems would be ensured only when the right instantiation of a IT governance model, what is a role of an enterprise architecture in the company.

In defense this argument, I will quote a few goals when someone wishes to implement enterprise architecture (coincidence or not is very similar that already cited by the COBIT’s principles):

1 – To make a connection between business requirements and IT projects and their software systems.

2 – To arrange a set of IT activities into a process model, which generally can be accepted by the people that 
performing their activities in a holistic way.

3 – To identify the most important IT resources to being used in according with the business strategy and IT.

4 – To define a management objectives control to being considered avoiding the inadvertent use of IT resources.

In fact, is or is not the IT Governance ensured by the Enterprise Architecture?

segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2012

A whole tutorial about Business Process Management or BPM. In this talking I have related the steps to perform process modeling AS-IS and TO-BE, techniques for finding information and how to align the whole thing on both: modeling business plan and company goals. 

Finally, I have presented, in this video below, which models are more often used on market to perform a process evaluation and their improvement, well like how to measuring the business processes maturity by using good practices. In a simple and uncomplicated way to those who does not know or never have had the opportunity of enroled itself in any meeting about BPM.

After this attending, I argue that you should deepen your knowledge about BPM modeling using the BPMN notation for become yourself a process analyst.

Video Tutorial here!!

domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012

FACTO Enterprise Architecture Framework 

9 Steps to Effective Understanding about  IT Governance and Management Models

I will introducing some concepts about how the main ITG frameworks, models and practices are connected and their proposal to running together.

1 – The ITG is supported for laws, principles and forces. The main law is Sarbanes Oxley (well know as SOX) which determines how an enterprise should to govern theirs departments and ensure the controls for objectives and goals in a transparent way.

2 – The COBIT is a ITG framework with focus in Governance and Management which say, for example, what to do for having yours IT process aligned with business proposals, it is well know either. However, with their new version it is taking in abstruse and the people are thinking about how it is going to be a effective way for IT governance in the future.

3 – The COBIT as far as models, such as ISO or CMMI , has very high abstractions of a set of activities in the enterprises, which can to turn it into the problems, as result of their big bad integration with other management or governance model adopted by your enterprise.

4 – What to do it?. No longer of COBIT, the ITG process in the enterprise within, are compelled to follow generics and specifics practices, models and patterns adopted for ensure objectives and goals though a set of activities.
5 – Thus, how is it running now? . The manager question for their subordinates. How to do ? They though go back to the manager. The answer is on the enterprise architecture. Why? Let’s go on afterwards!!

6 – With the COBIT 5 been building aligned both governance and management IT models, you can to see here, I figure out analyzing the whole COBIT 5 processes that enterprise architecture ensure 60% of their effectiveness.

7 – Looking around of columns, we can see that governance and management activities only align and define the whole thing, but what realizes everything is the enterprise architecture.

8 – As matter a fact, I would to ask you, if you having the big picture of this before?. Or a closed image about how will be theses frameworks bringing together? .

9 – I would to ask you, why use a best practices which using other best practices use 60% of their effectiveness toughly instead?. You can to use an enterprise architecture framework like as FACTO or TOGAF and to adapt the other 40% sequentially in according with your necessity.

segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012

Arquitetura Corporativa 

Apresentando o FACTO: Framework de Arquitetura Tecnológica Corporativa

Arquitetura Corporativa é uma visão integrada e holística da organização fundamental de um sistema, incorporados em seus elementos (pessoas, processos, aplicações e visões), suas relações entre si e ao meio ambiente, são os princípios que orientam a sua concepção e evolução. Essa visão sistemática surgiu em 1980 e foi incorporada ao framework de John Zachman como uma forma de lidar com a complexidade das organizações, que cada vez mais precisam se adaptar a evolução das tendências de novos negócios e de TI. Tendências de negócios compreendem a globalização, fusões e aquisições, e-commerce e de relacionamento com clientes e da cadeia de suprimentos de gestão. Tendências de TI compreendem avanços em tecnologias da Internet, plataformas de hardware e servidores de aplicação, além da automação do fluxo de trabalho ou processo de negócio. Com a crescente importância da arquitetura corporativa, as empresas, como o Open Group e IBM estão oferecendo oportunidades de certificação em um esforço para padronizar um método aberto de arquitetura de TI.

A visão integrada proporcionada pela arquitetura corporativa, facilita a implantação de projetos de TI melhora a comunicação, colaboração e o entendimento dos objetivos do negócio. Assegura também o uso efetivo da TI, alinhando as suas estratégias e as do negócio para alavancar uma vantagem competiva e baseia-se, principalmente, na satisfação dos clientes dos processos de negócio e no alcance de suas metas. Permite ainda a visualização de diversas perspectivas como forma de promover a organização e estruturação dos seus componentes diante dessas perspectivas, fornecendo informações a diferentes perfis de interessados com os detalhes arquitetônicos apropriados. Além disso, é a base para iniciar a Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços (SOA) e outras formas de integração entre os sistemas corporativos (e.g. sistemas legados  e pacotes de software) em diferentes tipos de negócios.

O artigo fornece uma visão clara e objetiva dos conceitos que envolvem uma arquitetura corporativa, quais os seus benefícios, visão de arquitetura de solução e especificação. Aduzi os principais componentes internos e os passos para realizar o alinhamento da estratégia da arquitetura corporativa com a estratégia da empresa. Introduz os principais frameworks e indica os melhores cenários para aproveitamento. O artigo também descreve o resultado de uma avaliação dos principais frameworks de acordo com um conjunto de perspectivas para ajudar na escolha do framework ideal para atender as necessidades da sua empresa. No final apresenta o FACTO - Framework de Arquitetura Corporativa criado especificamente para o mercado brasileiro e apresenta um estudo de caso de criação de uma arquitetura corporativa com o foco em desenvolvimento de software.   

Este artigo é dedicado a memória de um grande amigo, uma pessoa querida por todos na Cia de Ferro Ligas da Bahia e que agora está na “stairway to heaven”. Márcio Gonzaga, sua alegria irá permanecer para sempre em nossa lembrança, descanse em paz meu irmão!.  https://www.youtube.com/user/gonzagacarvalho?feature=watch
Abstract— With the globalization, the lack of documents standardization and agility on inquiry the norms in the guides as well as the Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI), lead to the loss of competitiveness. In the effort for certifications, the agility becomes important to get and to apply the necessary norms that guarantee the processes quality of its. This paper proposes a modeling of CMMI processes areas using Business Process
Management (BPM) with goal to growth the agility and information reuse, being created an approach between CMMI and Software Process Engineering Metamodel Specification (SPEM) notations, to represent its components on the diagram forms, being sped up the understanding.

Os Serviços Web têm se consolidado no mercado, como uma solução para interoperabilidade entre sistemas. No ambiente internet, no qual esses serviços estão inseridos, a garantia de confiabilidade pode ser obtida através de diferentes técnicas. Nesse trabalho são apresentadas técnicas de confiabilidade que atuam nas diferentes camadas de um serviço web: provedor de serviço, protocolo de transporte, SOAP e negócios.

Abstract— Two important challenges for MDA designers are to make business rules independent of the specific platform model and to ensure the resulting implementation does not violate the specified properties in the application domain. In this paper we present an approach that allows developers to both describe and corroborate domain properties at run time. In our approach, an ontology specifies domain properties and translates it to aspect-oriented code. The implementation code could be automatically merged. As a result, we will be able to perform approval tests at runtime and to create business rules reused in other MDA specific models. This novel approach shall be evaluates in a toolkit for reengineering an industrial furnace management application.

Abstract. Two important challenges for MDA designers are to make business rules independent of the platform specific model and to ensure that the resulting implementation does not violate the properties within these business rules. In this paper we present an approach that allows developers to both describe and verify domain properties at run time. In our approach, an ontology specifies domain properties that are translated to aspect-oriented code. This code is automatically merged in the implementation. As a result, we are able to execute validation tests at runtime and to generate business rules that can be reused in other MDA specific models. We evaluated our approach and toolkit by successfully reengineering an industrial furnace management application.

 Abstract. Are upheld in the SPL domain all business rules that define semantics links between entities for its completeness. By any change in business needs implies to keep of these rules up-to-date and is necessary to fix several application code to realize manually the necessary repair, making it a hard work for developers. The purpose of this works to create a new boarding to support software products in front of constant changes of business rules in this scenario, with thought at the reference architecture to manage them.

Abstract. Two important challenges for MDA designers are to make business rules independent of the platform specific model and to ensure that the resulting implementation does not violate the properties within these business rules. In this paper we present an approach that allows developers to both describe and verify domain properties at run time. In our approach, an ontology specifies domain properties that are translated to aspect-oriented code. This code is automatically merged in the implementation. As a result, we are able to execute validation tests at runtime and to generate business rules that can be reused in other MDA specific models. We evaluated our approach and toolkit by successfully reengineering an industrial furnace management application.

Abstract. The axioms are rules or affirmations of the truth on concepts and its creation is essential to carry through inferences on ontology. The axioms when generated for a programming language provoke one high coupling degree, making impracticable its reuse of the rules in other models. This work aims at to separate the axioms of the platform specific model. A tool was constructed to transform the axioms from OWL format to aspects. Thus, the business rules can be reused in other MDA specific models within the Java platform automatically.

Full paper here!!

Abstract. The middleware, when appeared in the computation scene, was thought about facilities the systems implementation. The technologies and the requirements such as: persistence, security and transaction have become it enough complex, therefore, are spread between the components, having increased the difficulty of systems implementation and maintenance. This work, it makes a bibliographical revision of technologies diverse that aim at the reduction of the complex about middleware’s, explain a emergent solution, the aspect-oriented programming .

Full paper here!!
Abstract— The applications conceptual models, during the requirements identification phase, uses an independent platform model for abstract a great part of the system specification without a formal verification, be either syntactic or semantic. This paper proposes an architecture for constructing MDA models using OWL (Ontology Web Language) formalizing concepts about application domain and reducing the time of models.

Abstract. The domain of an application, during the requirements identification, uses a platform independent class model the which that it destines, abstracting good part of the specification of a system without a formal verification, be either syntactic or semantic. This article proposes an architecture for use of ontology in the construction of MDA models formalizing its concepts and reducing the time of maintenances in models during its specification for one determined domain.

Full paper here


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